1820 Documents
Documents, Dated Watercolours and Early Accounts of the Artist
February–March 1820
Journal of John Linnell for the Years 1817–1823 (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, MS6–2000) (1820 – Item 1)
The journal of the young John Linnell (1792–1882) includes details of his activity as a dealer acting on behalf of his patron Chambers Hall (1786–1855) and Girtin’s early supporter Dr Thomas Monro (1759–1833). The ‘Harman’ mentioned by Linnell is probably Jeremiah Harman (1764–1844).
The journal notes on 3 February that:
To Dr. Munroe with Mr Varley - brought away some drawings by Girtin, Cozens &c to show Mr. Hall
The journal records that on 4 February:
Mr. C. Hall came & bought a Drawing by Girtin of Jedburgh for £14-14-0 – Paid –
On 7 February, Linnell
Sent to C. Hall Esqr. at Southampton the two drawings by Girtin of Durham & York Minster. Price 15 Gs - each sep. or 26 Gs the two making 40 for the three (Jedburgh, Durham, & York.)
Linnell records on 10 February:
To Dr. Munroe who agreed to take 20 Gs for the two Drawings by Girtin of Jedburgh & Durham
Durham Cathedral, from the South West (TG0919) and The West Front of Jedburgh Abbey (TG1231) were presented by Hall to the British Museum in 1855.
On 12 February, Linnell records that he
recd from Mr Hall at Southampton, the drawing by Girtin of York Minster, & the bank notes of 15£ for the Drawing of Durham
On 15 February, Linnell went
To Mr Harman with … some drawings by Cozens & one by Girtin.
On 17 February, Linnell again went
To Mr Harman who bt. 4 drawings by Cozens & one by Girtin –
On 22 February, Linnell
to Dr Monro ... Brought away a folio of old Drawings. Paid Dr. M. for 5 Drawings by Cozens & Girtin 45£ –
Linnell records that on 3 March he
sent to Dr Monro the old Drawings & all the remaining Drawings by Cozens, Girtin &c unsold.
And finally on 17 March:
to Dr. Monro Evg. Brought away a Drawing by Girtin to sell price 10 Gs –
1 May 1820
Chirk Castle, ‘Painted by P. de Wint, from a Sketch by T. Girtin’ (see print after TG1399), is published to illustrate the second edition of Thomas Compton’s The Northern Cambrian Mountains (Compton, 1820).
1 July 1820
Flint Castle, ‘Drawn by S. Prout, from a Sketch by Girtin’ (see print after TG1363), is published to illustrate the second edition of Thomas Compton’s The Northern Cambrian Mountains (Compton, 1820).
4 July 1820
The Times, 4 July 1820, p.1 (repeated in The Morning Post, 24 July 1820)
VIEWS of PARIS, preserved from the Fire in Broad-street. – J. GIRTIN, Engraver, &.c., 25, Old Compton-street, Soho, begs to inform the Nobility, Gentry, &c., that although by that event he experienced the destruction of the plates of Paris, with his other property, still there were some few sets of the Paris work, &c., with other prints taken from the ruins, uninjured; these he respectfully submits for sale, viz.: Girtin’s Views of Paris consisting of twenty plates drawn and etched by the late T. Girtin, and embellished with his portrait, prints 4l. 11s. 6d; two sets of subscription copies 6l. 6s.; three numbers, consisting of 8 of the above work, with portraits 1l. 19s; and a few sets of etchings, being the only etchings of the above artist, 5l. 5s. Portrait of T. Girtin, dedicated to Sir George Beaumont, Bart, 15s; this portrait serves to illustrate the work of Paris. St. Martin’s-le-Grand, drawn by T. Girtin, and engraved in aquatinta, by J. Bailey, prints 10s. 6d, in India paper 15s. To artists and collectors of topography this print will be highly interesting for its picturesque beauties, and being the site for the new Post-office. J. Girtin will be happy to receive orders for engraving and printing in every department of science, or for bills, cards, &c., for fashionable or commercial purposes. Mechanical apparatus drawn to scale.

1796 - 1797
Durham Cathedral, from the South West

1796 - 1797
The West Front of Jedburgh Abbey

(?) 1798
A Distant View of Chirk Castle

(?) 1798
Flint Castle