1810 Documents
Documents, Dated Watercolours and Early Accounts of the Artist
Matthew Pilkington, A Dictionary of Painters from the Revival of the Art to the Present Period: A New Edition, with Considerable Additions, and Appendix, and an Index, by Henry Fuseli, R. A. (Pilkington, 1810, p.214)
B.1775, D 1802.
This scholar of Edward Dayes drew landscape in a loose free manner, with greater effect than truth. He exhibited a Panorama of London, painted by himself, but not much noticed by the public. There is a very good set of prints, the outlines of which were etched by himself, and afterwards finished in aqua tinta by other artists, from drawings which he made, of views of Paris, taken upon the spot after the conclusion of the peace of Amiens. The prints appeared immediately after his death: there are twenty in number, dedicated to Lord Essex, who purchased the original drawings.—Edwards.
This peevish account of a young artist, of genial conception and great taste, who died prematurely, Edwards closes with the still more peevish remark, that ‘intemperance and irregularity have no claim to longevity;’ a remark which can only be forgiven to his own rigid morals, and long habits of self-denial. F
5 March 1810
Kenneth Garlick and others, eds., The Diary of Joseph Farington (Farington, Diary, 5 March 1810)
Dr. Monro has had an offer made to him which has caused him to reckon up what His collection of drawings have cost Him, and He finds that it amounts to abt. £3000.—Drawings by Hearne form a considerable part of them & cost Him abt. £800