An Exceptional Eye: A Private British Collection
Reference: Sotheby’s, 14 July 2010
Copy consulted: Library of the Paul Mellon Centre, London
Thomas Girtin
- 70 – ‘Durham Cathedral and Castle’. Sold for £265,250 (TG1075)
Henry Edridge (1768–1821)
- 69 – ‘Portrait of Thomas Girtin’. Unsold (TG1928)
‘Attributed to’ Henry Monro (1791–1814)
- 71 – ‘Portrait of Thomas Girtin’. Sold for £4,750 (see TG1925 figure 2)
Identified Exhibits
Thomas Girtin
Durham Cathedral and Castle, from the River Wear
J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Henry Edridge
Portrait Miniature of Thomas Girtin
Yale Center for British Art, New Haven