Bibliography: Published and Manuscript Material Relating to Girtin and His Times
A comprehensive survey of literature relating to the artist’s career, specific works, and literature on the art of watercolour during the period of Girtin’s life.
Aitken, 1797
Arthur Aitken, Journal of a Tour through North Wales and Part of Shropshire; With Observations in Mineralogy, and Other Branches of Natural History, London, 1797 -
Aitkin, 1795
John Aikin, A Description of the Country from Thirty to Forty Miles Round Manchester, London, 1795 -
Alison, 1790
Archibald Alison, Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste, Edinburgh, 1790 -
Angelo, 1828
Henry Angelo, Reminiscences of Henry Angelo, with Memoirs of His Late Father and Friends, London, 1828 -
Angus, 1787–97
William Angus, The Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, in Great Britain and Wales in a Collection of Select Views, London, 1787–97 -
Anonymous, 1797a
Anonymous, A Collection of Welch Tours; or, A Display of the Beauties of Wales, 2nd edn., London, 1797 -
Anonymous, 1797b
Anonymous, A History of Leeds, Compiled from Various Authors: To Which Is Added an History of Kirkstall Abbey, Leeds, 1797 -
Anonymous, 1800a
Anonymous, Ambulator; or, A Pocket Companion in a Tour Round London, within the Circuit of Twenty-Five Miles: Describing Whatever Is Most Remarkable for Antiquity, Grandeur, Elegance, or Rural Beauty, 9th edn., London, 1800 -
Anonymous, 1800b
Anonymous, A Treatise on Ackermann’s Superfine Water Colours with Directions How to Prepare and Use Them, Including Succinct Hints on Drawing and Painting, London, 1800 -
Anonymous, 1802
Anonymous, A Few Days in Paris; With Remarks Characteristic of Several Distinguished Personages, London, 1802 -
Anonymous, 1803
Anonymous, A Guide to All the Watering and Sea-Bathing Places in England and Wales, London, 1803 -
Anonymous, 1809–12
Anonymous, Ackermann’s New Drawing Book of Light and Shadow, in Imitation of Indian Ink, London, 1809–12 -
Anonymous, 1813
Anonymous, Wharfdale; or, A Description of the Several Delightful Features of That Extensive, Splendid and Fascinating Valley, Otley, 1813 -
Anonymous, 1817
Anonymous, The Tourist’s Companion; Being a Concise Description and History of Ripon, Studley Park …, Ripon, 1817 -
Anonymous, 1839
Anonymous, 'Thomas Girtin', Georgian Era, vol.4, 1839, pp.132–33
Baker, 1795
James Baker, A Picturesque Guide through Wales and the Marches, 3 vols. 2nd edn., Worcester, 1795 -
Barker, 1796
Robert Barker, 'Specification of the Patent granted to Mr. ROBERT BARKER … for his Invention of an entire new Contrivance or Apparatus, called by him “La Nature à Coup d’Oeil”, for the Purpose of displaying Views of Nature at large', Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, vol.4, 1796, pp.165–67 -
Barrow, 1791–93
Joseph Charles Barrow, Picturesque Views of Churches and Other Buildings, from Drawings by J. C. Barrow, with an Account of Each Building, London, 1791–93 -
Beckford, 1834
William Beckford, Italy: With Sketches of Spain and Portugal, London, 1834 -
Bell’s Weekly Messenger, 24 October 1802
Anonymous, Bell’s Weekly Messenger, 24 October 1802, p.340 -
Bingley, 1800
William Bingley, A Tour Round North Wales, Performed during the Summer of 1798, 2 vols., London, 1800 -
Bingley, 1804
William Bingley, North Wales: Including Its Scenery, Antiquities, Customs, and Some Sketches of Its Natural History; Delineated from Two Excursions through All the Interesting Parts of That Country, during the Summers of 1798 and 1801, 2 vols., London, 1804 -
Blagdon, 1803
Francis William Blagdon, Paris as It Was and as It Is; or, A Sketch of the French Capital, Illustrative of the Effects of the French Revolution … Written by an English Traveller, during the Years 1801–2, 2 vols., London, 1803 -
Brayley and Britton, 1801–1815
Edward Wedlake Brayley and John Britton, The Beauties of England and Wales; or, Delineations, Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive of Each County, 18 vols., London, 1801–15 -
Bristed, 1803
John Bristed, Anthrōplanomenos; or, A Pedestrian Tour through Part of the Highlands of Scotland, in 1801, 2 vols., London, 1803 -
Britton, 1837
John Britton, The History and Description, with Graphic Illustrations, of Cassiobury Park, Hertfordshire: The Seat of the Earl of Essex, London, 1837 -
Broster, 1802
John Broster, Circular Tour from Chester through North Wales: Embellished with Plates, Chester, 1802 -
Broughton, 1798
Brian Broughton, Four Picturesque Views in North Wales, Engraved in Aquatint by Alken, from Drawings Made on the Spot by the Rev. Brian Broughton, M. A. Fellow of New College, Oxford; With Poetical Reflections on Leaving That Country, London, 1798 -
Broughton, 1801
Brian Broughton, Six Picturesque Views in North Wales, Engraved in Aquatint by Alken, from Drawings Made on the Spot, 2nd edn., London, 1801 -
Bryan, 1816
Michael Bryan, A Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 2 vols., London, 1816 -
Burke, 1759
Edmund Burke, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, 2nd edn., London, 1759
Cardonnel, 1788
Adam de Cardonnel, Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, London, 1788 -
Carr, 1803
John Carr, The Stranger in Paris; or, A Tour from Devonshire to Paris: Illustrated by Engravings in Aqua Tinta of Sketches, Taken on the Spot, London, 1803 -
Carter, 1786–93
John Carter, Views of Ancient Buildings in England, 6 vols., London, 1786–93 -
Carter, 1795–1814
John Carter, The Ancient Architecture of England, 2 vols., London, 1795–1814 -
Chalmers, 1812–17
Alexander Chalmers, The General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of the Most Eminent Persons in Every Nation; Particularly the British and Irish; From the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time, 32 vols., London, 1812–17 -
Chancery, Income and Expenses, 1804
Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Pleadings 1801-1842, 'Girtin v Girtin. Bill and Answer. Plaintiffs: Mary Ann Girtin. Defendants: John Girtin', Chancery, Income and Expenses, 12 May 1804, The National Archives (C 13/40/6 [W1804 G3]) -
Combe, 1794–96
William Combe, A History of the River Thames, 2 vols., London, 1794–96 -
Compton, 1820
Thomas Compton, The Northern Cambrian Mountains; or, A Tour through North Wales, Describing the Scenery and General Character of that Romantic Country, and Embellished with a Series of … Coloured Views, Engraved from Original Drawings, 2nd edn., London, 1820 -
Concannen and Morgan, 1795
Matthew Concannen and Aaron Morgan, The History and Antiquities of the Parish of St. Saviour’s, Southwark, London, 1795 -
Cooke, 1823
William Bernard Cooke, Gems of Art: Forming a Choice Collection Engraved from Pictures of Acknowledged Excellence, Beauty, and Variety, Painted by Esteemed Masters of All Ages and All Countries, London, 1823 -
Cordiner, 1788
Charles Cordiner, Remarkable Ruins, and Romantic Prospects, of North Britain: With Ancient Monuments and Singular Subjects of Natural History, London, 1788 -
Coxe, 1801
William Coxe, An Historical Tour in Monmouthshire: Illustrated with Views by Sir R. C. Hoare, Bart, London, 1801 -
Cumberland, 1793
George Cumberland, A Poem on the Landscapes of Great Britain, London, 1793 -
Cumberland, 1811
George Cumberland, Bromley-Hill, the Seat of the Right Hon. Charles Long, M. P.: A Sketch, London, 1811
Dallas, 1797
Robert Charles Dallas, Miscellaneous Writings: Consisting of Poems; Lucretia, A Tragedy; and Moral Essays, London, 1797 -
Daniell, 1797
Thomas Daniell, Oriental Scenery: Twenty Four Views in Hindoostan Drawn and Engraved by Thomas Daniell, London, 1797 -
Daniell, 1809–14
William Daniell, A Collection of Portraits Sketched from the Life Since the Year 1793 by George Dance, Esq. R. A. and Engraved in Imitation of the Original Drawings by William Daniell, A. R. A., 2 vols, London, 1809–14 -
Dawe, 1807
George Dawe, The Life of George Morland, London, 1807 -
Dayes, 1799
Edward Dayes, 'Remarks on Mr. Sheldrake’s Dissertation on Painting in Oil in the Manner of the Venetians', Philosophical Magazine, vol.4, July 1799, pp.124–31 -
Dayes, 1800
Edward Dayes, 'Thoughts on Colouring and Particularly with a Retrospect to the Method Used by the Venetians in the Mechanical Part of the Art and to Their Method of Arranging the Tints', Philosophical Magazine, vol.8, October 1800, pp.3–9 -
Dayes, 1825
Edward Dayes, A Picturesque Tour in Yorkshire and Derbyshire, London, 1825 -
Delaval, 1785
Edward Hussey Delaval, An Experimental Inquiry into the Causes of the Permanent Colours of Opake Bodies, Warrington, 1785 -
Dibdin, 1801
Charles Dibdin, Observations on a Tour through Almost the Whole of England, and a Considerable Part of Scotland, 2 vols., London, 1801 -
Dibdin, 1802
Thomas Dibdin, Songs, Chorusses, and a Sketch of the Scenery in Harlequin’s Habeas, or the Hall of Spectres: A New Pantomime, in Two Parts, as Presented at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, London, 1802 -
Donaldson, 1796
John Donaldson, The Principles of Taste or the Elements of Beauty, 2nd edn., Edinburgh, 1796 -
Du Bourg, 1810
Du Bourg’s Museum, Descriptive Catalogue of Du Bourg’s Museum, No. 68, Lower Grosvenor-Street: Large Models, Made of Cork, Done by Scale, London, 1810 -
Dunsford, 1800
Martin Dunsford, Miscellaneous Observations, in the Course of Two Tours, through Several Parts of the West of England, Tiverton, 1800
Edwards, 1803
Edward Edwards, A Practical Treatise of Perspective, on the Principles of Dr Brook Taylor, London, 1803 -
Edwards, 1808
Edward Edwards, Anecdotes of Painters Who Have Resided or Been Born in England with Critical Remarks on Their Productions, London, 1808 -
European Magazine, January 1823
Anonymous, 'Exhibition of Drawings and Engravings by British Artists, Soho-Square', The European Magazine, and London Review, vol.83, January 1823, p.55 -
Evans, 1804
John Evans, Letters Written During a Tour through North Wales, in the Year 1798, and at Other Times, 3rd edn., London, 1804 -
Eyre, 1803
Edmund John Eyre, Observations Made at Paris during the Peace: And Remarks in a Tour from London to Paris through Picardy, and to England by the Route of Normandy, Bath, 1803
Farington, 1789
Joseph Farington, Views of the Lakes, etc., in Cumberland and Westmorland, London, 1789 -
Farington, 1790
Joseph Farington, Views of Cities and Towns in England and Wales, London, 1790 -
Farington, 1794–96
Joseph Farington, An History of the River Thames, 2 vols., London, 1794–96 -
Feltham 1802
John Feltham, The Picture of London for 1802: Being a Correct Guide to All the Curiosities, Amusements, Exhibitions, Public Establishments, and Remarkable Objects, in and near London, London, 1802 -
Field, 1835
George Field, Chromatography; or, A Treatise on Colours and Pigments, and of Their Powers in Painting, &c., London, 1835 -
Fittler, 1804
James Fittler, Scotia Depicta; or, The Antiquities, Castles, Public Buildings, Noblemen and Gentlemen’s Seats, Cities, Towns, and Picturesque Scenery of Scotland – Etchings by James Fittler after Accurate Drawings Made on the Spot by John Claude Nattes, London, 1804 -
Forsyth, 1805–8
Robert Forsyth, The Beauties of Scotland: Containing a Clear and Full Account of the Agriculture, Commerce, Mines, and Manufactures; of the Population, Cities, Towns, Villages, &c. of Each County, 5 vols., London, 1805–8 -
Francia, 1810
François Louis Thomas Francia, Studies of Landscapes by T. Gainsborough, J. Hoppner R. A., T. Girtin, Wm. Owen R. A., A. Callcott A., S. Owen, J. Varley, J. S. Hayward and L. Francia: Imitated from the Originals by L. Francia, London, 1810
Garland, 1813
Richard Garland, A Tour in Teesdale; Including Rokeby, and Its Environs, 2nd edn., London, 1813 -
Gentleman’s Magazine, February 1803
Anonymous, 'Additions and Corrections in Former Obituaries', The Gentleman’s Magazine, vol.73, part 1, February 1803, p.187 -
Gilpin, 1768
William Gilpin, An Essay upon Prints: Containing Remarks upon the Principles of Picturesque Beauty, 2nd edn., London, 1768 -
Gilpin, 1782
William Gilpin, Observations on the River Wye, and Several Parts of South Wales, &c, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty: Made in the Summer of the Year 1770, London, 1782 -
Gilpin, 1786
William Gilpin, Observations, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1772, on Several Parts of England: Particularly the Mountains, and Lakes of Cumberland, and Westmoreland, 2 vols., London, 1786 -
Gilpin, 1789
William Gilpin, Observations, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1776, on Several Parts of Great Britain: Particularly the High-Lands of Scotland, 2 vols., London, 1789 -
Gilpin, 1791
William Gilpin, Remarks on Forest Scenery, and Other Woodland Views (Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty) Illustrated by the Scenes of New-Forest in Hampshire, 2 vols., London, 1791 -
Gilpin, 1792
William Gilpin, Three Essays: On Picturesque Beauty; On Picturesque Travel; and On Sketching Landscape: To Which Is Added a Poem, On Landscape Painting, London, 1792 -
Gilpin, 1798
William Gilpin, Observations on the Western Parts of England Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, London, 1798 -
Gilpin, 1804
William Gilpin, Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty: Made in the Summer of the Year 1774, London, 1804 -
Girtin, 1837
Thomas Calvert Girtin, ed., The House I Live In; or, Popular Illustrations of the Structure and Functions of the Human Body, London, 1837 -
Girtin, Letter, 1802
Letter from Thomas Girtin to his brother, John Girtin (1773–1821), 9/10 April 1802, The Whitworth, University of Manchester -
Gisborne, 1799
Thomas Gisborne, Walks in a Forest; or, Poems Descriptive of Scenery and Incidents Characteristic of a Forest, at Different Seasons of the Year, 4th edn., London, 1799 -
Grant, 1789
Alexander Grant, Picturesque Scenery of Scotland, London, 1789 -
Greenwood, 1794
Greenwood’s, London, A Catalogue of All the Drawings, Studies, Sketches, Prints, Capital Books of Prints, Eighty-Two Valuable Copper Plates of His Esteemed Publications: A Small, but Excellent, Library of the Ingenious Mr. Cozens, Landscape Painter, auction catalogue, London, 1794 -
Gregory, 1798
George Gregory, The Economy of Nature Explained and Illustrated on the Principles of Modern Philosophy, 3 vols., London, 1798 -
Grose, 1785–87
Francis Grose, The Antiquities of England and Wales, new edn., 8 vols., London, 1785–87 -
Grose, 1789–91
Francis Grose, The Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vols., London, 1789–91
Hargrove, 1798
Ely Hargrove, The History of the Castle, Town, and Forest of Knaresborough, with Harrogate, and Its Medicinal Waters, 5th edn., York, 1798 -
Hassell, 1811–13
John Hassell, Aqua Pictura: Illustrated by a Series of Original Specimens from the Works of Messrs Payne, Munn, Francia, Samuel, Varley, Wheatley, Young, Cristall, Cartwright, Girtin, Clennell, Cox, Prout, Hills, DeWint, Owen, Glover, Turner, Loutherbourg &c. &c Exhibi, London, 1811–13 -
Hearne, 1786–1807
Thomas Hearne, Antiquities of Great-Britain, Illustrated in Views of Monasteries, Castles, and Churches, Now Existing, 2 vols., London, 1786–1807 -
Heath, 1796
Charles Heath, The Excursion Down the Wye, from Ross to Monmouth, Monmouth, 1796 -
Heath, 1801
Charles Heath, Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Ancient and Present State of Tintern Abbey: Including a Variety of Particulars Relating to That Much-Admired Ruin, Monmouth, 1801 -
Hoare, 1806
Prince Hoare, An Inquiry into the Requisite Cultivation and Present State of the Arts of Design in England, London, 1806 -
Holcroft, 1804
Thomas Holcroft, Travels from Hamburg, through Westphalia, Holland, and the Netherlands, to Paris, 2 vols., London, 1804 -
Holcroft, 1816
Thomas Holcroft, Memoirs of the Late Thomas Holcroft, Written by Himself, and Continued to the Time of His Death, from His Diary, Notes, and Other Papers, 3 vols., London, 1816 -
Hooker, 1813
William Jackson Hooker, Journal of a Tour in Iceland in the Summer of 1809, 2 vols., 2nd edn., London, 1813 -
Howlett, 1805
Bartholomew Howlett, A Selection of Views in the County of Lincoln: Comprising the Principal Towns and Churches, the Remains of Castles and Religious Houses, and Seats of the Nobility and Gentry; with Topographical and Historical Accounts of Each View, London, 1805 -
Hucks, 1795
Joseph Hucks, A Pedestrian Tour through North Wales, in a Series of Letters, London, 1795 -
Hutchinson, 1778
William Hutchinson, A View of Northumberland, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1778 -
Hutchinson, 1785–94
William Hutchinson, The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine, of Durham, 3 vols., Newcastle upon Tyne, 1785–94 -
Hutton, 1804
William Hutton, The Scarborough Tour in 1803, London, 1804
Ibbetson, Laporte and Hassell, 1793
Julius Caesar Ibbetson, John Laporte and John Hassell, A Picturesque Guide to Bath, Bristol Hot-Wells, the River Avon: Illustrated with a Set of Views Taken in the Summer of 1792, London, 1793 -
Imperial Gazette, 1 May 1824
Anonymous, 'Cooke’s Exhibition of Drawings', The Imperial Gazette, 1 May 1824, p.520 -
Ireland, 1793
Samuel Ireland, Picturesque Views, on the River Medway, from the Nore to the Vicinity of Its Source in Sussex: With Observations on the Public Buildings and Other Works of Art in Its Neighbourhood, London, 1793 -
Ireland, 1797
Samuel Ireland, Picturesque Views on the River Wye, from Its Source at Plinlimmon Hill, to Its Junction with the Severn below Chepstow: With Observations on the Public Buildings, and Other Works of Art, in Its Vicinity, London, 1797 -
Ireland, 1801–2
Samuel Ireland, Picturesque Views on the River Thames, from Its Source in Gloucestershire to the Nore: With Observations on the Public Buildings and Other Works of Art in Its Vicinity, 2 vols., 2nd edn., London, 1801–2
King, 1803
John King, Letters from France, Written by J. King, in the Months of August, September, October, and November, 1802, 2nd edn., London, 1803 -
Knight, 1794
Richard Payne Knight, The Landscape, A Didactic Poem: In Three Books; Addressed to Uvedale Price, Esq., London, 1794 -
Knight, 1796
Richard Payne Knight, The Progress of Civil Society: A Didactic Poem in Six Books, London, 1796 -
Knight, 1805
Richard Payne Knight, An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste, London, 1805
La Belle Assemblée, August 1824
Anonymous, 'Exhibitions', La Belle Assemblée, vol.29, August 1824, p.276 -
La Borde and others, 1781–1800
Jean-Benjamin de la Borde and others, Description générale et particulière de la France: Ouvrage enrichi d’estampes d’après les dessins des plus célèbres artistes continued as Voyage pittoresque de la France, avec la description de toutes ses provinces, 12 vols., Paris, 1781–1800 -
Lady’s Magazine, January 1823
Anonymous, 'Fine Arts', The Lady’s Magazine, new series, vol.3, January 1823, pp.51–52 -
Le Clerc, 1768
Sébastien Le Clerc, Practical Geometry; or, A New and Easy Method of Treating That Art, 5th edn., London, 1768 -
Lemaistre, 1803
John Gustavus Lemaistre, A Rough Sketch of Modern Paris; or, Letters on Society, Manners, Public Curiosities, and Amusements, in That Capital Written during the Last Two Months of 1801 and the First Five of 1802, London, 1803 -
Lemaistre, 1806
John Gustavus Lemaistre, Travels after the Peace of Amiens, through Parts of France, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany, 3 vols., London, 1806 -
Lemprière, 1808
John Lemprière, Universal Biography: Containing a Copious Account, Critical and Historical, of the Life and Character, Labors and Actions of Eminent Persons, 2 vols., London, 1808 -
Leslie, 1845
Charles Robert Leslie, Memoirs of the Life of John Constable, Esq. R. A. Composed Chiefly of His Letters, 2nd edn., London, 1845 -
Leslie, 1855
Charles Robert Leslie, A Hand-Book for Painters, London, 1855 -
Lettice, 1794
John Lettice, Letters on a Tour through Various Parts of Scotland, in the Year 1792, London, 1794 -
Lewis, 1798
Matthew Gregory Lewis, The Castle Spectre: A Drama, in Five Acts, London, 1798 -
Linnell, Journal, 1817–23
Journal of John Linnell (1792–1882) for the Years 1817–23, Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge (MS6–2000) -
Lipscomb, 1799
George Lipscomb, A Journey into Cornwall, through the Counties of Southampton, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset & Devon, Warwick, 1799 -
Lipscomb, 1802
George Lipscomb, Journey into South Wales, through the Counties of Oxford, Warwick, Worcester, Hereford, Salop, Stafford, Buckingham, and Hertford: In the Year 1799, London, 1802 -
Lloyds Evening Post, 10 – 13 May 1799
Anonymous, 'Royal Academy. Remarks – No.III', Lloyds Evening Post, 10–13 May 1799, p.453 -
London Chronicle, 4 – 7 May 1799
Anonymous, 'London', The London Chronicle, 4–7 May 1799, p.434 -
London Courier, 2 May 1801
Anonymous, 'Royal Academy', The London Courier, and Evening Gazette, 2 May 1801, p.3 -
London Packet, 14 – 16 May 1798
Anonymous, 'Royal Academy: Exhibition, 1798', The London Packet, 14–16 May 1798, p.3 -
London Packet, 8 – 10 May 1799
Anonymous, 'Royal Academy: Exhibition, 1799', The London Packet, 8–10 May 1799, p.1 -
London und Paris, 1804
Anonymous, 'Panorama von London zu Paris', London und Paris, vol.14, 1804, pp.50–54 -
London und Paris, 1807
Anonymous, 'Ueber die Panorama’s von London und Boulogne in Paris', London und Paris, vol.19, 1807, pp.331–33 -
Loutherbourg, 1805
Phillipe Jacques de Loutherbourg, The Romantic and Picturesque Scenery of England and Wales … with Historical and Descriptive Accounts of the Several Places of which Views Are Given, London, 1805 -
Love, 1788
John Love, The New Waymouth Guide; or, Useful Pocket Companion, Weymouth, 1788 -
Love, 1793
John Love, The Picturesque Beauties of the County of Dorset: To Which Are Added Occasional Observations, on Its Antiquities, Curiosities, Manufactures, Customs, History, Traditions, Weymouth, 1793 -
Lysons, 1792–96
Daniel Lysons, The Environs of London: Being an Historical Account of the Towns, Villages, and Hamlets, within Twelve Miles of That Capital; Interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes, 4 vols., London, 1792–96
Malcolm, 1800
James Peller Malcolm, Views within Twelve Miles round London, London, 1800 -
Malcolm, 1802–7
James Peller Malcolm, Londinium Redivivum; or, An Ancient History and Modern Description of London, 4 vols., London, 1802–7 -
Malcolm, 1807
James Peller Malcolm, Excursions in Kent, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, and Somersetshire, Made in the Years 1802, 1803, and 1805, London, 1807 -
Malton, 1792–1801
Thomas Malton, A Picturesque Tour through the Cities of London and Westminster, Illustrated with the Most Interesting Views, Accurately Delineated and Executed in Aquatint, 2 vols., London, 1792–1801 -
Manby, 1802a
George William Manby, Fugitive Sketches of the History and Natural Beauties of Clifton, Hot-Wells, and Vicinity, Bristol, 1802 -
Manby, 1802b
George William Manby, An Historic and Picturesque Guide from Clifton, through the Counties of Monmouth, Glamorgan, and Brecknock, with Representations of Ruins, Interesting Antiquities, &c, &c., Bristol, 1802 -
Manners, 1805a
John Henry Manners, Duke of Rutland, Journal of Three Years Travels through Different Parts of Great Britain in 1795, 1796, 1797, London, 1805 -
Manners, 1805b
John Henry Manners, Duke of Rutland, Journal of a Tour through North and South Wales, the Isle of Man, &c, &c., London, 1805 -
Manners, 1805c
John Henry Manners, Duke of Rutland, Journal of a Tour round the Southern Coasts of England, London, 1805 -
Manners, 1813
John Henry Manners, Duke of Rutland, Journal of a Tour to the Northern Parts of Great Britain, London, 1813 -
Marshall, 1795
William Marshall, A Review of the Landscape, a Didactic Poem: Also of an Essay on the Picturesque, Together with Practical Remarks on Rural Ornament, London, 1795 -
Maton, 1797
William George Maton, Observations Relative Chiefly to the Natural History, Picturesque Scenery, and Antiquities, of the Western Counties of England, Made in the Years 1794 and 1796, 2 vols., Salisbury, 1797 -
Maude, 1782
Thomas Maude, Verbeia; or, Wharfdale, a Poem, Descriptive and Didactic, with Historical Remarks, York, 1782 -
Maw, 1831
Anonymous (John Hornby Maw), A Concise Summary of a Series of Notes and Observations, Practical and Theoretical, on the Art of Landscape Painting, in Water Colours, Adapted to the Practice of Young Amateurs, London, 1831 -
Metropolitan Literary Journal, August 1824
Anonymous, 'Exhibition of Drawings. No. 9, Soho Square', The Metropolitan Literary Journal, August 1824, pp.361–62 -
Michell, 1845
John Henry Michell, The Tour of the Duke of Somerset, and the Rev. J. H. Michell, through Parts of England, Wales, and Scotland, in the Year 1795, London, 1845 -
Mitchell, 1801
Robert Mitchell, Plans, and Views in Perspective, with Descriptions of Buildings Erected in England and Scotland, London, 1801 -
Monthly Magazine, February 1803
Anonymous, 'Obituaries - Mr. T. Girtin', The Monthly Magazine, vol.15, February 1803, pp.83–84 -
Monthly Magazine, October 1802
Anonymous, 'Monthly Retrospect of the Fine Arts', The Monthly Magazine, vol.14, part 2, October 1802, pp.254–55 -
Monthly Mirror, January 1803
Anonymous, 'Covent-Garden', The Monthly Mirror, vol.15, January 1803, p.56 -
Monthly Mirror, July 1798
Anonymous, 'The Arts. Royal Academy.– 1798', The Monthly Mirror, vol.6, July 1798, p.29 -
Monthly Mirror, June 1801
Anonymous, 'Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1801', The Monthly Mirror, vol.12, June 1801, p.376 -
Moore, 1786
James Moore, List of the Abbies, Priories, and Other Religious Houses, Castles, &c. in England and Wales: Collected from Dugdale, &c., &c., London, 1786 -
Moore, 1792
James Moore, Monastic Remains and Ancient Castles in England and Wales: Drawn on the Spot by James Moore, … Finished and Etched by J. Schnebbelie, … Aquatinted by G. J. Parkyns, Esq., London, 1792 -
Moore, 1794
James Moore, Twenty-Five Views in the Southern Part of Scotland, from a Collection of Drawings Made by James Moore, Esq. F. A. S. in the Year 1792: Engraved by and Under the Direction of Mr. John Landseer, London, 1794 -
Moore, 1798
James Moore, A List of the Principal Castles and Monasteries in Great Britain, London, 1798 -
Moore, Letter, 1798
Verse letter from Ange Denis Macquin (1756–1823) to James Moore (1762–99), 18 December 1798, Print Room, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford -
Moore, Payments, 1792–93
Portfolio of documents relating to James Moore (1762–99), 1792–93, Print Room, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford -
Morning Chronicle, 27 January 1823
Anonymous, 'Exhibition, Soho-Square', The Morning Chronicle, 27 January 1823, p.3 -
Morning Herald, 1 May 1799
Anonymous, 'Royal Academy', The Morning Herald, 1 May 1799, p.3 -
Morning Herald, 16 June 1802
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