At the core of this website are the approximately 1,550 illustrated entries that catalogue the pencil drawings and watercolours produced by Thomas Girtin (1775–1802) during his short but highly productive career, together with the prints that were executed after his work. These include the substantial body of work Girtin produced in collaboration with his almost exact contemporary Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775–1851) at the home of their patron Dr Thomas Monro (1759–1833).
Venice: The Rialto Bridge
1796 - 1797
British Museum, London
A Venetian Building with Figures: A Detail from Canaletto's 'A Portico with a Lantern'
1796 - 1797
Private Collection
Venice: The Doge’s Palace
1796 - 1797
British Museum, London
Venice: The Grand Canal, from Santa Maria della Carità, Looking to San Marco Basin
1797 - 1798
British Museum, London
Venice: The Grand Canal, Looking East from the Palazzo Flangini to San Marcuola
1797 - 1798
British Museum, London
Venice: The Grand Canal, Looking North East from near to the Palazzo Corner to the Palazzo Contanari degli Scrigni
1797 - 1798
British Museum, London