Michael Rooker (1746 - 1801)
Michael Rooker (1746–1801), commonly known as Michael ‘Angelo’ Rooker, was one of the leading topographical watercolourists of the older generation when Girtin was learning the art, and Girtin was inevitably influenced by the older artist. Indeed, Girtin’s Caesar’s Tower, Warwick Castle (TG0239) appears to have been copied from Rooker’s 1794 Royal Academy exhibit (see source image TG0239), whilst The Gatehouse, Battle Abbey (TG0268) employs similar blocks of colour to delineate the play of shadow on stone, even though he did not simply copy the older artist in this case (see TG0277 figure 1).

1794 - 1795
Caesar’s Tower, Warwick Castle

1794 - 1795
Caesar’s Tower, Warwick Castle

(?) 1795
The Gatehouse, Battle Abbey

(?) 1795
The Gatehouse, Battle Abbey
Related works
Michael Rooker
Caesar’s Tower, Warwick Castle
Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford